Bright Eyes Family Vision Care is an independent Optometry office located in West Park Village, in the Westchase neighborhood of Tampa, FL. Bright Eyes Kids is an office just for children and is located in New Tampa. Bright Eyes is owned and operated by Dr. Nathan Bonilla-Warford and his wife, Cristina Bonilla-Warford. Dr. Beth Knighton joined the team in 2014. You can listen to this history in the first episode of the Bright Eyes Podcast.
We offer a full range of services for family eyecare, from infant exams to adult exams, specialized contact lenses, orthokeratology, and vision therapy.
If you would like to contact the office, feel free to call (813)792-0637 or email the office at or if you have a question for Dr. Bonilla-Warford, you can Ask Dr. Nate.
In the meantime, feel free to look around!.
Be well!
Hi Dr. Nate,
My name is Lee Gordon. I live in Renton, Washington. For both our sakes, I will try to keep this message as brief as possible. 5 years ago, you placed several wonderfully explanatory posts on Little Four Eyes… My wife’s friend provided the site to us earlier this afternoon.
Between Ann Z’s pages and your information I am so full of gratitude I’m nearly in tears; last week our 5 year-old daughter was diagnosed with Myelinated nerve fiber layer (OD), a rare case significantly affecting her vision. We will begin patch therapy soon, once her glasses arrive. The OD, while competent, has not been forthcoming with explanations which has been frustrating to say the least. Although profoundly relieved initially that my daughter did not have Rb, I’ve been studying up on MRNFL. I have sent her follow-on questions via email, receiving short single sentence answers. We have a follow-up appointment in 2 months, in which I am hoping she will be more informative.
While there is much more to this story, mostly I say “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!”